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Facebook has came to an agreement with the Australia’s government.

Facebook has said soon it will start restoring the news sharing feature on users feed, After reaching to an agreement with Australian govt.

Last Wednesday the Facebook had made a radical move of banning the news outlets website links from sharing on the platform which caused outraged. That move comes after a feud over a proposed media bargaining code that is expected to become a law in country soon. Which would have forced the tech companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. to pay news publishers for the content shared by users on their platforms.

Facebook move to restoring the news feature has come after Australian treasurer Josh Frydenberg said changes have been made in the proposed law to “provide further clarity to digital platforms and news media businesses about the way the Code is intended to operate and strengthen the framework for ensuring news media businesses are fairly paid for the content.

The changes means the proposed law will allow a two-month negotiation periods to tech giant like Facebook and publishers to come to a deal. Govt will also consider the deal tech companies had already made with local publishers if code applies to them before taking final decisions.

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