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Apple discontinued smart electric car research and development project

Apple has made the decision to halt its highly anticipated "Project Titan," an initiative aimed at developing an electric car, as reported by Bloomberg. The company conveyed this internal announcement on Tuesday, indicating that a significant portion of the 2,000-person team involved in the project will transition their focus towards generative AI endeavors.

Jeff Williams, Apple's chief operating officer, along with Kevin Lynch, a vice president overseeing the project, informed employees about the discontinuation of Project Titan, according to Bloomberg. The report further suggests that there will be layoffs, although the extent of the workforce affected remains unclear.

Rumors surrounding Apple's pursuit of building its own electric vehicle have circulated for years, with recent speculation indicating ongoing efforts in the project. Wired disclosed earlier this month that Apple had logged over 45,000 miles in 2023 using its autonomous driving technology. Bloomberg, in January, reported that Apple postponed the anticipated launch of the car to 2028. The Verge reached out to Apple for comment but received no immediate response.

The genesis of rumors surrounding Apple's secretive car project, dubbed Project Titan, dates back to 2015. Apple recruited key figures from the automotive industry, including former directors from Tesla and the former CEO of Canoo, an electric vehicle startup. However, the project encountered numerous obstacles over the years, including the departure of Doug Field, Apple's car chief, in 2021. A report from The Information in 2022 highlighted challenges such as staff turnover, shifting strategies, and internal skepticism.

Contrary to initial expectations, reports suggested that the Apple car, rumored to be priced below $100,000, might not feature the advanced self-driving capabilities initially envisioned. Redirecting resources towards AI aligns with Apple's reported investment in training its own AI model, known as Ajax. Apple CEO Tim Cook recently confirmed plans to introduce generative AI features later in the year, while rumors hint at AI enhancements for Spotlight and Xcode.

Although Apple may have shelved its ambitions for a self-driving electric vehicle, Sony and Honda are pressing forward with plans to open preorders for their Afeela electric cars with autonomous features in North America next year, targeting a rollout in 2026.

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